TRIBULATION: Νέο video από τον τελευταίο τους δίσκο


Με το ξεκίνημα του νέου έτους οι Σουηδοί gothic metallers Tribulation φροντίζουν να κρατούν σε εγρήγορση τους θαυμαστές τους, κυκλοφορώντας νέα μουσική. Έτσι ανακοινώθηκε η κυκλοφορία ενός EP με τίτλο “Hamartia” που κυκλοφόρησε στις 7 Απριλίου από τη Century Media Records.

Από το συγκρότημα δόθηκε στη δημοσιότητα το νέο visualizer video για το τραγούδι “Hemoclysm”, που μπορείτε να το παρακολουθήσετε εδώ:

We comply…
Tell us where to go and we’ll go there
Tell us where to hide and we’ll happily abide
Tell us when to die and we’ll go without a care
Tell us when to kill and we’ll kill

The primordial movements, the original curse
Echoes through the darkness of our times
And with the folly of denial we are bound to make it worse
This is not the end of our crimes

There’s a new star in the night sky
(As unveiled in the visions)
But the floods won’t run dry
They will flow in wild torrents as a river of blood
(As revealed by the prophets)
The false death of the creator god

We deny…

What is happening now has happened before
And in time it will happen again
Yet maybe if we all just try to shut our eyes
The waxing won’t turn into a wane

Overcome by the currents we act as we ought
Devoid of the virtues we hide
Why look back when we know that what we’ll find says naught
Just a full break is sanctified

There’s a new star in the night sky
(As unveiled in the visions)
But the floods won’t run dry
They will flow in wild torrents as a river of blood
(As revealed by the prophets)
The false death of the creator god

We apply…

As there’s nothing that is fair we can crush it
And erect a hollow shrine with our conceit
We omit the sacred threads of an earth we won’t inherit
No, the world we know is not for the meek

There’s a new star in the night sky
(As unveiled in the visions)
But the floods won’t run dry
They will flow in wild torrents as a river of blood
(As revealed by the prophets)
The false death of the creator god

Η track list του “Hamartia”:


-Axis Mundi


-Vengeance (The Pact) [Blue Öyster Cult cover]

Οι Tribulation είναι οι:
Johannes Andersson – Bass / Vocals
Adam Zaars – Guitars
Oscar Leander – Drums
Joseph Tholl – Guitars

Official website:

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About Γιώργος Μακρής 315 Articles
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