SPACEGOAT: Κυκλοφορούν νέο single/video για το “Earthquakes”


Οι Αυστραλοί alternative metallers κυκλοφόρησαν σήμερα, 8 Φεβρουαρίου, το νέο τους single για το κομμάτι “Earthquake”.

Αυτή είναι και η πρώτη τους κυκλοφορία μετά το ep “Katharsis” του 2021. Η μπάντα δούλεψε για πρώτη φορά μαζί με τον Chris Themelco στα Monolith Studio, με σκοπό να εξελίξει τον ήχο της στο νέο της υλικό.

Line Up:
Ez Eddy – Vocals
Leon Russell – Guitar
Mighty McGrath – Guitar
Kid Eddy – Bass
Adam Beattie – Drums

Video creds:
Director/Camera/Editor: Russ Van Millhouse, Russ Productions
Camera assistant : Rimzy


There’s a veil up but it’s a thin concealment
And it feels like this curse is a blessing that’s breathing life into this moment
There’s cold air on my face
As I quicken my pace
And the night is falling

I could only ever hope
I could ever get so close
Down in my soul it aches
But your words, they’re like earthquakes

My feet are hitting the pavement it’s like a pulse
And now it’s feeding me life
As I let this sadness push me close
To what I means to feel alive
There’s cold air in my lungs
And my heartbeat, it drums
And the night is calling

I could only ever hope
I could ever get so close
Down in my soul it aches
But your words, they’re like earthquakes
I could only ever dream
To touch where you have been
Now my soul it is hurting
But your words, they are burning

Breathe, just breathe
You’re alive now
You’re alive now

There’s freedom
In my pain
There’s freedom
In my pain
There’s freedom….

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About Ιωάννης Φράγκος 601 Articles
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